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Update your apps for iOS 11 with our new iOS SDK release

We are thrilled to announce the 1.10.0 release of our iOS SDK with compatibility and support for new features in iOS 11.0.
What's New
The new shiny version of iOS 11 has little impact on the way you implement our SDK, but is packed with great new features that will be progressively revealed in the next couple of weeks.
New Permission for Location
If you are using our Location Services features, there's a significant change in the way you request permission from your users to use their location. For most of you who are using geo-fencing and beacons to engage users in truly relevant ways, being able to update location in the background is essential to make all this functionality work.
Apple is once again putting all the control in the user's hand and it is up to you to convincingly show why you need the user's location when he's not using your app.
But what exactly changes? It's pretty simple: when the user is prompted with the location permission dialog, you'll now have three options, Only When Using the App, Always Allow and Don't Allow.
Because the only option that will make sure geo-fencing and beacons work properly is the Always Allow, you need to persuade, more than ever, the user to pick the right option. It is now really important to be compelling and provide all the information you can, to convince the user to always allow location updates.
In practical terms, this means adding a new privacy entries in your app's .plist file. These new entries, NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription, should include a text describing why you need the user's location and what you are going to do with it.
This is all you need to do when it comes to support iOS 11 using our newest SDK.
We think it's never a bad idea to underline the importance of a great user experience in your app's on-boarding screens, but now even more so. This definitely is the best way to effectively persuade the user while being transparent about the usage of their personal data, like the device information and location.
Upcoming features
This release also prepares your apps for a couple of great features we are rolling out over the next weeks, so stay tuned for more updates.
You don't have to wait anymore, download our SDK now!