Marketing Automation

Automate how you send notifications, categorize your audience or gather insights. React to your app or website events in real time.
Put your website and apps to work
Step into a new breed of user-centric interactions, that require no visual design nor increase development costs. Reuse the data you already generating and turn it into valuable functionality that unlocks your business' full potential.
React to events in real-time
Take advantage of all things happening in your app as soon as they occur. Decide up-front what those events should do or simply iterate on them later.

Share your data from digital touch points with other marketing software without any delivering cycles or app updates.
React to events in real-time
Segment user behavior
Segment user behavior
Wonder how you could easily track usage of certain features of your mobile app or website? How you could easily group your audience according to their behaviour?

With Notificare, you can categorize customers based on their usage of your apps, without up-front design sprints or endless UX discussions. Turn it on and off whenever you need it.
Transform content into messages
Looking into reusing your content generated elsewhere in messaging campaigns? We can provide you with a set of tools to transform email messages or RSS feeds into powerful campaigns.

Let machines do the work all the tedious and repetitive work for you. No compromises!
Transform content into messages
Create personal moments of delight with powerful automated campaigns that talk to your customers just like you would normally do.

Take back your time, say no to repetitive tasks and increase your marketing team productivity.
Ready to claim back your time?
Test all these features for free today!
Start 30 day trial
Welcome new users
Struggling to design your onboarding messages or welcoming new users? Focus on perfectly identifying when to tracking those moments, with our solution, the rest will come later!

Iterate your visual design as many times as you need and watch what converts better. Who said automated interactions were boring?
Welcome new users
Nurture and boost engagement
Nurture and boost engagement
Looking to get more attention to what really matters for you? Setting up automated campaigns will increase retention and reduce churn. Create automated campaigns that help to capture your users' attention once you've on-board them.

Increase the success rate of the KPI's you care about and eventually get a faster ROI from your mobile or web app.
Bring customers back
Minimize your dormant user rate by re-capturing their attention using powerful and personalized automated messaging campaigns.

Take it up a notch and connect the dots with other messaging channels to persuade users with special offers when they uninstall your app or stop visiting your website.
Bring customers back
Make it your own
Make it your own
Automating interactions is basically a white canvas. You can make it your own by customizing it to your special needs. Once you can track it, you can take action on it!

Become more effective without spray and pray messaging techniques. Get personal and rip the benefits of a true user-centric approach.