We are pleased to announce the release of our new 2.3 SDK. Besides the usual bug fixes, dependency updates and performance improvements, this new version brings great new functionality to your web or mobile app.
Our main focus in this release was the addition of new functionality to the in-app inbox. These new features were added due to popular demand. You requested and we listened. We are proud to introduce two new great features that will allow you to create even more amazing messaging campaigns.
Many of you have been advocating this feature for a while. There are cases where you want to send a message but you do not want it to appear in the inbox afterwards. For those situations, we've introduced a new feature - Show in inbox.
You can quickly define if a message should be shown in the inbox or not via the Options tab in every push message composer in our dashboard:

By default this option will be ON and all messages will be shown in the inbox but if you toggle it OFF messages will only generate a remote notification.
Inbox Expiration
Another great new inbox feature in this version is the inbox expiration. You can now also define how long the message should be visible for in the inbox. Whenever you mark your message to appear in the inbox you can additionally specify for how long. This is done by providing a length in seconds in the following option:

These two new features will be available for you without any additional work other than updating our libraries. Please do bear in mind that these options will be ignored in older versions of our library. In that case, messages will still be shown in the inbox.
Another noteworthy feature of this new version is the un-launch function. It is now possible to completely remove all the data stored in our platform for an existing device via your app. This usually would be done in our dashboard but we've decided to make this available in our SDK too. This means that whenever you invoke this method, all the data for a device will be deleted both locally in your app and remotely in our servers and can never be recovered anymore.
After calling this method, none of the methods of our libraries can be used anymore and the only way to start using Notificare again is by invoking its counterpart, the launch method.
All this and other important improvements are now available in our native iOS, tvOS, Android and Web libraries. During the next couple of days, we will also be updating our plugins for React Native, Flutter, Cordova and WordPress. For more information, review our documentation.
One more thing...
We are also pretty excited to announce that we will start supporting Huawei Mobile Services in 2.4. Huawei is a tech giant that recently was crowned number one smartphone maker in the world.

Due to the ongoing US trade ban, Huawei's new phones are being released without Google Play Services. Instead, these new phones come with their own version of cloud services that enable things like Push Notifications, Location Services, Digital Wallet and In-App Billing.
They also come with their own version of Google Play, the AppGallery. By using our SDK and a few small adjustments (HMS Core even provides a code conversion feature) to your Android app code, you can quickly create a version of your app that supports HMS and can be submitted to the AppGallery.
We are allowing you to join our beta preview for SDK 2.4 as of today. If you would like to know more about HMS and how you can quickly port your existing Android app, please drop us a line in our Support Channel.