The trend for actionable data is growing by the day. A powerful aspect of the Notificare platform is the ability to make every interaction immediately actionable. In a previous article, we already discussed how events could trigger certain campaigns. But, you can also use these events or the user's input, to segment themselves. Without the need for development. This is where Segmentation Rules come in.
Actionable Notifications
Rich and interactive messages of the Notificare platform are crucial for serving the user with a great customer experience. By including Actions in push messages, a simple message can become a small piece of functionality. Besides providing an important interaction for your notifications, it can also fuel your marketing strategy and the user's customer journey.
By enabling the user to respond to a predefined call to action, you can attribute a certain rule to this response. This way, you utilize the user's response to segment this user. Earlier, we talked about First-party data and, to be more precise, declarative data. As mentioned, this is self-submitted data. Using the user input as a response to your message enables you, later on, to target your audience better and personalize your message expertly.

Segmentation Rules
When applying a Segmentation Rule, you empower the user to segment themselves. Either by opening a message or responding to a Call to Action. With Segmentation Rules you can either add or remove a user from a segment.
A great example of one of our customers, a large cosmetics retailer, was to ask the users at the beginning of the campaign if they wanted to be informed every day about the discount applicable on that day for the coming campaign period. A simple message with the campaign's announcement and this question yielded much valuable information. When the user responded yes, the user was added to a certain segment. This enabled their campaign's follow-up messages to target only users in that segment.
This same principle was applied to one of the largest e-commerce players in the Benelux. The company asked their audience who wanted to receive the Daily Offer at 18.00 every day. Only the customers that answered positively were automatically opted in for this campaign. Although this eventually limited the number of users that were eligible, this segment did contain highly engaged users. As a result, the open rate was above 60%!
And now that the holidays are coming, you can apply this principle to an Advent Calendar Campaign, for example. And because not everyone is interested in this kind of daily campaign messages, you only facilitate those that subscribe.
More than Buttons
A Segmentation Rule is not limited to the action buttons of push notifications. You actually find Segmentation Rules in several places in our platform. In fact, you can apply this principle to a message that is opened too. Or apply it to Geo-Triggers. For example, when someone enters or leaves one of your fences or beacons. Plus, you also find these rules in Automation Connectors, enabling you to transform events into segmentation, effortlessly.
And last, but not least, you can also apply Segmentation Rules to any Links you create. This means that you can use these links in a push, email or SMS message or even in your website to automatically segment users that click these links. Segmentation has never been easier, and don't forget, no development is needed for this!

Ready for Segmentation Rules?
If you want to get started with Segmentation Rules, our support engineers are always ready to assist you with the setup. Happy segmenting!