How to tackle the Post-Holiday Marketing Period

Andrea Trabucco
Andrea Trabucco
Jan 4 2023
Posted in Marketing & Sales

Capitalize the momentum generated during the holiday season

How to tackle the Post-Holiday Marketing Period

As we enter the post-holiday marketing period, now is the time to capitalize on the increased consumer spending that has occurred over the holidays. Companies should take advantage of the new opportunities that the post-holiday period presents to maximize their profits and reach new customers. By creating targeted marketing campaigns, businesses can capture the attention of shoppers who are looking to take advantage of post-holiday sales and discounts.

Additionally, businesses should take the time to review their holiday performance and make necessary adjustments to their marketing strategies to ensure they have the best chance of success in the new year.

Here are 10 best practices to help you maximise your post-holiday marketing period.

  1. Analyze Post-Holiday Performance
    Take the time to go through the data from the holiday shopping period and understand what worked and what didn't. This will help you focus your post-holiday marketing efforts on the most successful strategies. Use returns as an opportunity to learn more about customer preferences and improve your products and services.

  2. Focus on Customer Retention
    Customer retention is an essential component of any successful business. Taking the time to nurture relationships with existing customers can help build loyalty and boost customer satisfaction. Offering incentives such as discounts and promotions can entice customers to continue shopping with you and help keep them engaged. Additionally, thanking them for their loyalty shows you appreciate their business. Taking the time to nurture relationships with existing customers can help create a strong and loyal customer base that will help you stay competitive in the long run.

  3. Offer New Promotions
    With the holidays over, it's time to start thinking about ways to keep customers engaged and buying. Offer new promotions and discounts to keep the momentum going and encourage customers to keep shopping. Consider offering special discounts for new customers, loyalty rewards for returning customers, seasonal deals such as clearance sales, or exclusive offers for specific groups of people. Promotions and discounts can make customers feel valued and appreciated and help you build brand loyalty. With the right promotions and discounts, you can continue to drive sales and keep customers engaged throughout the year.

  4. Utilize Marketing Automation
    Marketing automation is an excellent way to keep customers engaged and informed about post-holiday promotional discounts. Automation tools can help you create personalized messages for each customer, so they receive offers tailored to their interests and shopping history. Automation also helps optimize send times and increase the efficiency of your campaigns, making it easier to reach out to customers quickly and effectively. With marketing automation, you can increase customer loyalty and encourage repeat purchases by keeping your customers aware of new deals, offers, and discounts available after the holiday season.

  5. Personalize Your Messaging
    Personalizing your post-holiday messaging can be a powerful tool to reach and engage your customers. By targeting specific customer segments, you can craft campaigns that are tailored to their interests and needs. This will help you create more effective and engaging messaging that resonates with your customers and builds strong relationships. Personalizing messaging can also help you identify customer segments that are most likely to purchase from you so that you can focus your marketing efforts on those customers. By personalizing post-holiday messaging, you can create campaigns that will have a lasting impact on your customer base.

  6. Invest in Loyalty Programs and Implement a Referral Program
    Investing in loyalty programs and implementing referral programs are great strategies for businesses to increase customer loyalty and attract new customers. Loyalty programs offer incentives to customers who shop with you regularly, such as discounts, free products, or exclusive promotions. By providing these benefits, customers are more likely to remain loyal to your business and make more purchases. Implementing a referral program is another great way to increase customer loyalty and attract new customers. Your existing customers can refer their friends or family members to your business, and in return, they can get rewards such as discounts or free products. This way, your existing customers are motivated to spread the word about your business and the referral program can bring you more new customers.

  7. Winback Lost Customers
    Reactivating lost customers is an important part of any business strategy. During the holiday season, many customers may abandon their shopping carts or not complete their purchases due to various reasons. To encourage these customers to come back and purchase items, businesses should reach out to them and offer special deals or discounts. This could be in the form of discounted prices, free shipping, or a free gift with purchase. By doing so, businesses can remind customers of the items they left in their shopping carts, and motivate them to complete their purchases. Reactivating lost customers is a great way to boost sales and increase customer loyalty.

  8. Target New Audiences
    With the holiday season coming to a close, now is the time to start targeting new audiences that may not have shopped during the holidays. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram offer an ideal way to engage with customers, increase brand awareness, and reach a wider audience. Utilize post-holiday campaigns to attract new customers, offer discounts and incentives, create content that resonates with the target audience, and position your brand for continued success in the new year.

  9. Optimize for Mobile
    Mobile optimization is becoming increasingly important in the world of web design and marketing. As more and more customers are accessing websites and emails from their mobile devices, it is critical for website design and email marketing campaigns to be optimized for mobile. To optimize for mobile, websites should be designed with mobile-friendly layouts, content should be sized appropriately, and navigation should be clear and intuitive. Additionally, emails should be designed with mobile-friendly layouts, text should be legible, and links should be easy to click. Optimizing for mobile ensures that customers have a seamless and enjoyable experience accessing websites and emails, which is essential for successful website design and marketing campaigns.

  10. Monitor Your Results
    Monitoring your post-holiday marketing campaigns is an important part of achieving success. You should track your campaigns on a regular basis and look for any changes in performance. Pay particular attention to how your campaigns are performing relative to your goals. If you notice any areas that need improvement, you should adjust your strategy accordingly. Additionally, it is important to keep up with the latest trends in marketing and adjust your campaigns accordingly.


This period can be a great opportunity to capitalize on the momentum generated during the holiday season and build on the energy to create even more success in the coming year. Contact us to learn more and see how Notificare can help you to achieve your company’s Customer Engagement goals.

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