April showers bring May flowers... and some exciting new updates from Notificare! 🌈 We've been busy bees 🐝, working hard to spruce up our platform. Get ready to supercharge your strategies and enjoy the fresh, new improvements we've planted just for you!
🚀 What's New
In April, we've released the following:
Media Files in SMS
For those of you actively sending SMS campaigns from and to US and Canada recipients, it is now possible to include images in your messages. If you are not familiar with MMS, it is how you can convey your brand's story, showcase products in action, and evoke emotions that resonate with your audience using text messages. To find out more about it, please read this post.
Marketing Calendar Improvements
Our latest feature is approaching the end of its beta period. During this month, we've introduced several important changes to how items are displayed and filtered, adding new layers of functionality to your centralized hub for messaging campaigns. Thank you all for your feedback.
iOS Privacy Manifest
At Notificare, we are committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions while adhering to the highest standards of privacy and security. That's why we are embracing privacy manifests and code signing in the latest release of our SDK 3.9.0. You can read more about it in this post.
Misc. Features
Additionally, we've also released the following features:
- New maintenance job: Split Audience
- Improved app access management for users with Administrator roles
As always, you can find us available for any question you might have via our Support Channel.