Plans & Pricing

Our pricing plans are built around Active Users.
Your users can have as many devices, email contacts, or SMS numbers as they want. No limits!
Suitable for businesses with small to medium size applications.
excl. VAT (if applicable)
🌐 max. 20 Apps
🦸 max. 20 Seats
📍 Geo-Zones (max. 20)
📲 Push Notifications
✉️ Email Marketing
💬 SMS Messages
🤳 In-App Messaging
📊 Marketing Analytics
🏷️ Tags & Segments
🧑‍💻 API Access (Unlimited)
🇪🇺 GDPR compliant
💪 24/7 Email Support
250,000 users and up
For businesses that require a tailored contract, custom billing and priority support.
✅ All from Online +
🌐 Unlimited Apps
🦸 Unlimited Seats
📍 Unlimited Geo-Zones
🤖 Marketing Automation
📑 Tailored Contract & SLA
🔒 Custom DPA
🚀 Product Onboarding
🧑‍🏫 Customer Success
🧑‍🎓 Product Training
💪 Priority & Phone Support
Automate how you send notifications, categorize your audience or gather insights.
excl. VAT (if applicable)
Compare all the features of our plans
Online plansEnterprise plans
Online plansEnterprise plans
App & Account Management
Appsup to 100 appsunlimited apps
Free Access Accountsup to 100 seatsunlimited seats
Access Roles
IP Whitelist
Password Policy
Unlimited App & Web Push Messages
In-App Messages
Email Messagespay per messagepay per message
SMS Messagespay per messagepay per message
Rich & Actionable Content
Broadcast Messages
Segmented Messages
Event Based Messages
Advanced Criteria Messages
Message Templates
Multi-language Templates & Messages
A/B & Multivariate Testing
Scheduled & Repeatable Messages
Throttle Message Delivery
In-App Device Inbox
Message placeholders
Delivery Report and Stats
Email Proofing Reportspay as you gopay as you go
Location Services
Circular & Polygons Geo-Fences
Location Lifetime
Historical Visits
Geo-Triggered Push Messages
Geo-Triggered Push Campaigns
BTLE Beacon Support
Location Reports and Stats
Audience Management
Active Usersup to 250,000 users250,000 users and beyond
Private Messaging
User Categorization
User, Device, Email, SMS & Location Look Up
Device's Do Not Disturb period
Audience Reports and Stats
Data Management
User Life Time
Data Import & Export
Scheduled & Recurrent Import/Export Tasks
Application Errors
Push, Email and SMS Error Feedback
Contextual Content
NFC & QR Code Scannable Tags
Links (Redirects, Landing Pages & Universal Links)
Automation add-on
Included in Plan
RSS to Push
Event-driven Segmentation
Event-driven Messaging
Loyalty add-on
Included in Plan
iOS Wallet Passes Full Support
Android and Web Passes Fallback
Remote Passes Update
Free Redeem Scanner app
Conversion Reports and Stats
Reports add-on
Included in Plan
App Life Cycle Event Stats
Pre-defined and Custom Events
Configurable Charts
Weekly Reports
Storage add-on
Included in Plan
Asset Upload & Management
Text File Inline Editing
Advanced Criteria for Personalized Content
Time Based Asset Display
Asset Caching & Optimization
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