Recurrent messages that deliver a great Customer Experience

Reminders, daily product updates and weekly digests.

Recurrent messages can contribute to a better use of your product or service, every time, with an increased customer experience. Creating a great customer experience will ultimately increase your customer engagement. As we all know, repetition is a powerful marketing tactic that drives results, but how do you ensure the repeated message doesn't get boring and stays relevant?
What are recurrent messages?
Recurrent messages are emails, SMS, or push messages sent on a regular schedule. By adding a repeatable schedule to a campaign, you can send a message to your audience at a specific time of the week, day, month or year. A repeatable campaign is not suitable for every message. But sometimes, your customers, employees, or prospects need an interaction on a regular basis.
3 examples of recurrent messaging
There are undoubtedly repetitive things you do each week that a recurring message can help you with. Reminders assure that you don't forget these things. For example, think about filling out work hours at the end of the week. A weekly recurring message sent on Friday at 4 pm when you didn't fill in your timesheet can help you meet your managers' expectations and go into the weekend with a good feeling.
Often you see apps that when a reminder is needed, this is solved by using local notifications. This is a notification that is hardcoded within the app. The big disadvantage is that these messages cannot be adjusted or optimized. Most of the time, using a recurring message generated by a remote notification is a much better solution for this. You can always change the content when you see fit and you'll collect statistics about the performance of these messages.Daily Promotions
E-commerce player started a few years ago with Notificare by sending out daily promotions at 6pm. A recurring message that at first glance seemed to be an overkill, after a few days, it transpired to be effective. By first asking your audience if they want a repeatable campaign, they ended up with an audience that unquestionably appreciated the daily notification.Weekly Reports
Notificare's customers receive a weekly report every Friday in the morning. An email that contains a clear call to action that leads them to their app's weekly digest. This is a great example of triggering your audience to experience your product regularly.
Secrets to successful recurring campaigns
Three key success factors ensure relevance and, therefore, a better customer experience when using recurrent messages.
Opt-in only
In all of the above examples, opt-in is extremely important. The relevance increases immediately by being in control as a user and indicating that you want to receive repeated messages. So let users sign up for it themselves, and the messages are guaranteed to convert better.
Choose the right audience
A second aspect is tied to the opt-in. Segmentation ensures that not everyone gets the same message but only the topics they choose. Segmentation can be done exactly at the same time as the previously named opt-in mechanism; however, it can also be a selection of customers for whom you think a particular recurring message is relevant.
The third element of relevance is personalization. By adding far-reaching personalization to every message, the repeated message doesn't sound the same every time. Personalization is not only addressed with a first name; instead, use any customer data to inject relevant data in the message.
Set up your recurrent campaigns now!
Let us know what communication you think you can set for your audience, and our engineers will help you with the right personalization tip and tricks, as well as best practices for your opt-in strategy.